After 10 days in Europe (London, Paris, Edinburgh), we are preparing to head home tomorrow. My mind swirls with…
Celebrating Care
I’m going to put on my family scientist hat for a few minutes to talk about Mother’s Day. Last…
Courage to Dance
This month, I am celebrating two years of teaching Jazzercise. It has been two years of learning new routines,…
Building the “new data science of learning” – #eli2014 reflections
I’ve heard this phrase over and over in the last few months…”we are building the new data science…
Help us understand learner experiences in MOOCs and open online courses
An invitation from George Veletsianos (Royal Roads University) and Amy Collier (Stanford University): We are conducting a study…
Theory As Liberatory Practice (hooks informs the discussion)
A lot of people are talking about the absence of theory in MOOCs and MOOC research. Here are…
one breath, our breath the moment i met you your breath became our breath my chest tightening as…
Please vote for our SXSW Edu panel!
Hey, do articles like this make you grumpy? Online Education Start-up Gets an F from University Or this?…
A tale of two TEDs
I will start with a disclaimer: I fully realize how lucky I am to have had the opportunity…
What happens in distributed flips? Investigating students’ interactions with MOOC videos and forums (re-post from VPOL blog)
This article was originally written for and posted on the Stanford Online Signal blog Last month, Mike Caulfield…
Jazzercise and empathy: Reflections on my first year of teaching
I stood by the back counter at my Jazzercise center on Sunday morning, saying goodbye to each customer…
#unET4Online: the (f)unconference success continues at #et4online
I just returned from a week in Las Vegas at the Sloan-C Emerging Technologies for Online Learning conference….
Bloggity blog
Happy Friday, everyone! I just wanted to briefly share a new resource from my office at Stanford. It’s…
Alternately titled: “Online learning has been around since before you were born”
Last night, our EDUC 338x class did a deeper dive into the history of online learning leading up…
Help! They’re tweeting in my #POD12 session!
As chair-elect of the Professional and Organizational Development Network’s ECRC (Electronic Resources and Communications Committee), I have been…
The (online) teacher’s body
At #ET4Online in July, I met a kindred spirit named Jen Ross, lecturer and academic program director for the…
A vote for unconferences
Funny thing about conferences… Most are not effective at one of their primary goals: learning. I rarely enjoy…
My summer reading
Alternately titled: Since I can’t take a vacation this summer, I’ll engage in my other favorite form of escapism:…
A community of obsessed makers: My day at Maker Faire 2012
I boarded the bike car of the 9:30 am Caltrain and ran into a wall of people and…
Coordinating without controlling…what are your thoughts?
This is my first post about Stanford. We should celebrate. While you are thinking about how to celebrate,…