This week, I spent a bit of time talking about Arduino. I talked with a dance professor about…
5 easy things you can do to your course this summer [from the archives]
The summer is a great time for redesigning or redeveloping a course. The process of redesigning, when it…
Jazzed up!
I will rarely post to this blog about Jazzercise. However, as part of the “happy life” portion of…
Learning on the beach
This weekend, I had the opportunity to join a group of Stanford students on a field trip to…
Pursuing a happiness goal
When I started working at Stanford, I was immediately drawn to an initiative called Be Well. Be Well is…
The power of making
In third grade, growing up in Brazil and homeschooled through a correspondence school called Calvert, I found that my…
Some thoughts on ed tech mixers and meetups
What do you call 120 ed tech innovation afficionados noisily crammed into a room at SF’s posh ROE…
MERLOT should look like Pinterest
I am a moderate user of Pinterest. By that I mean that I occasionally sit down with my…
Failure is always an option
Last month, at John Seeley Brown’s evocative DML2012 keynote, I was reminded of the notion of failure in…
“Is this thing on?” What to do with student presentations [from the archives, renamed]
Admit it, student presentations can be a real disaster. I have used student presentations several times in my…
A Twitter bot for POD 2012 (and other conferences)
This week, I read 4 musings about Twitter use at conferences. I’ll describe each of the readings and…
“Learn this” and “Pin This”: The Pinterest Model for a Connected Learning Platform
On the train, returning from the DML 2012 conference in San Francisco, I am sorting through the interactions…
Return to Evernote?
Several years ago, I began using a relatively new (at the time) service called Evernote. I was a…
The scientific method, 5 ways [from the archives]
This blog post was originally published in 2011. Over the weekend, I watched They Might Be Giants’ Here Comes…
Some thoughts on teaching with Pinterest [from the archives]
This post was originally published in 2011. Recently, a friend introduced me to Pinterest, an online pinboard tool…
Let go (of coverage) [from the archives]
This post was originally published in 2011. I heard it over and over at the CIC Information Fluency…
Vulnerability in the classroom [from the archives]
This blog post was originally published in 2011. “vulnerability is not only a condition to be endured, but…
Teaching an online course? 5 things to do at the start of the semester [from the archives]
This blog post was originally published August 22, 2011. I had intended to make another Made from Scratch…